Ben Tatman

Disclaimer: All programs provided here are to be used at your own risk.

Molecular Dynamics

December 2020


Implementation of a very simple molecular dynamics engine. Uses the GAFF force field and has both Andersen and Langevin thermostats implemented (to varying degrees of success). In video below, a chair->boat inversion occurs at around 16 seconds.


December 2020


Program to perform rotations of arbitrary angle about bonds.

Bloch Equation Visualiser

December 2019


Graphical visualisation of the evolution of the Bloch equations representing the bulk magnetisation of a spin system.

NMR Spectrometer

October 2019


Density matrix operator based NMR spectrometer model.

Cyclic Voltammogram

July 2019


CyclicVoltammogram is a simplied JavaScript implementation of a program written during my third year at University, to aid with revision of an Electrochemistry course. It cannot yet perform coupled reactions.